Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Anne Berven -- Memory Eternal

I gave up "internet surfing" for Lent...kind of. I decided I would only check in with people's blogs. While reading Larissa's hilarious posts on Writing in Apathy, I came across her entry on Anne Berven's repose.

Very sad - she taught me so much. She introduced me to early music and made me fall in love with Rachmaninoff. I know the words to the Cherubic Hymn in Slavonic because of singing in chamber choir (well before I became Orthodox).

You always imagine that someone will always be there - that you can go back to a place and always find that person there.

I just can't believe I will never get to see her or sing with her again.

The Blog in Her Honor

May her soul dwell where the righteous are and may her memory be eternal.

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