Excuses, excuses, excuses.
I am just plain busy. The school year started and even though I felt I was ready, I certainly was not.
And it is not as if I have nothing to blog about...there is PLENTY out there to write about the world at large.
I just haven't created anything lately. Which I feel is supposed to be the *point* of this blog - not just random rants, etc.
Actually, I did create something recently. I made a very cute crocheted bear for a friend's new baby girl. But beyond that, my needle has been hibernating.
I need to take pictures of the things I have finished them ship them off.
But there are other responsibilities that I have and I don't have time to sit and write or take pictures and upload them.
I do have time, however, to surf around on the Internet and look at other people's blogs - go figure.
My fanfic writing has come to a halt. I find myself so worn down by my day that I have not the energy to get going on my writing. I think about those characters - sometimes. Most of the time I have been researching. My current research is British History.
For example, the local Harry Potter meetup had a, well, meetup, at the Seattle Public Library book sale. It was SUPER cool - I got 19 books for $19! I even got Kate and Odious some books to replace their lost ones...unfortunately they were not the titles I thought they had lost.
(Hand to God, I thought they lost a lot of Dickens, and looked at a beautiful copy of
The Pensees and
Possession and thought "oh, those weren't on
the list". I am kicking myself now. But, if anyone needs any additional Dickens, I am your girl!)
As I was perusing the classics section and picking up massive volumes of Dickens books, I found a really cool little book called A Child's History of England by Charles Dickens. I looked cool and seemed about my reading level/style, so I purchased it for the low price of one dollar.
Now, I did not know that Charles Dickens was a racist or I would not have picked up the book. Perhaps it is not fair to call him a racist - hindsight is always 20/20 - but what he writes is sometimes quite offensive. For example:
It was a British Prince named Vortigern who took this resolution, and who made a treaty of friendship with Hengist and Horsa, two Saxon chiefs. Both of these names in the old Saxon language, signify Horse; for the Saxons, like many other nations in a rough state, were fond of giving men the names of animals, as Horse, Wolf, Bear, Hound. The Indians of North America - a very inferior people to the Saxons, though - do the same to this day.
When I read this, I exclaimed "Says who?". The hubby was woken from his slumber (poor fellow) and told me to hush. Still, I was not keen on reading further after Mr. Dickens here insulted my ancestors. Dude needed to back up and take in the accomplishments of a people and recognize AND respect. Just because they did not take tea at four every afternoon does not make them "inferior" - I seriously doubt the Saxons carried out tea while trying to prevent the Danes from burning their house to the ground (or whatever).
True my ancestors got kicked around by the US government and various other governments, but that does not make them a "very inferior people"!
Still, I read on, because I figure it was worth at least a dollar to finish. And I like all of the names - why Odo is not more popular in Britain is a shame.
So, this is how I conduct research for my fanfic.
I was tempted to purchase the $30 10th anniversary edition of the Socerer's Stone, but I am saving my money for
Beedle the Bard. All the new edition has is a picture of
Snape looking a lot like
Rowan Atkinson and new cover art with the
Mirror of Erised.
If you are wondering what all the links are about, check out
this site. I *really* like this cartoonist - and he is vegan!
By the way, I am trying the vegetarian thing - I break for seafood, however :( Not all there yet.
The hubby is not pleased.
Will actually create something soon.